Spacemonkey Mafia

I say don't worry.  You're statistically much more likely to get beaten up long before you can attract a pedophile's attention.

 Shit.  If you want to suppress a kid's homosexual urges, the first thing you should do is get them into D&D.
   It did wonders keeping me away from any kind of sex in high school.

Well, given they were co-chairs of the National Testicle Council, it was a fairly common topic of conversation.
   Send us a self-addressed stamped envelope and we'll send you a free book of recipes!

Naw, it's okay.  I know what he's getting at.

Seriously.  If you're going to mock a person according to their culture's cuisine, don't go for one of the most universally consumed grains in all of human history.

I think if you're dating a porn star and something doesn't blow up in your face at some point in the relationship, you're doing it wrong.

Sixteen-year old me had no idea he was eyes-shut and emotionally rocking out to a song about massive ebony cock.

You think just anyone has the keys to the Big Red No locker?  It's not like a handgun or something you can just keep loaded and out for anyone to pick up and wave around.

Yikes.  Lookit those two.
   Escape Plan, starring the two hamburgers I was grilling, then dropped in the grass and then we had three days of rain.

Dame Judi Dench as a basketball.

Joey, Snake and Wheels each managed to be that bands 'Ringo'.

Superman is a mythological hero and it's interesting to see how his character can still be defined by such an old dynamic of mythological cultural heroes, namely, that strength is an external symbol of internal virtue.  By being strongest, they are right.
   If you hit harder and for longer, it is because your cause is

This device isn't a spaceship… it's a time machine.  Takes us to a place we ache to go again….  It's not called the wheel.  It's called the carousel.

Oh, Jeezus.  Everyone on the show's going to die, aren't they?

Never rub another man's Schnozzberry!

"Well this is going to be a short movie."

Spoiler:  There's a god!

"…almost vulnerable in its dowdiness…"

"It's not fair getting the audience involved in the game."

Walder Frey has a daughter available for marrying off.