
The movie version of Tommy
the first appearance of Roger Daltry

i like how he says
"we wanted to be more like zeppelin"

what kenny herzog said about sports songs
Terrible novelty songs lifted by the spirit thats already there.

they just did an RIP about anal cunt
Van Full of Retards. toe tappin goodness.

in Demolition Man
the virtual reality helmet that lets you fuck Sandra Bullock.

we'll let the free market decide if it's any good
hint: the free market hates it's fucking guts

great american dad episode

Jason Heller, more punk please.

I like this article better because it takes a broader view of hard music. Metalbox was fixated on black metal and doom metal which are the boring dead ends of metal music. Each time I'd hear about some anti-music thing from Europe and be happy to actually get some attention to metal on the site.

although it's been said ,many times, many ways
loud>metal box

morality versus Chicago sports
I don't think fans need to worry about backing Rose or Jordan. Academic fraud is pretty far away from alleged rape.

I'm uncomfortable with Apocalypto for an entirely different reason
It's completely historically inaccurate. Too many people will go on thinking the movie is in any way educational. The brutal and wrong movie is the only impression of them people will have because there's no other media visibility for Mayan indians

not to generalize too much, but the WWE fan base is too drunk and inbred to know what sarcasm is.

spoiler alert******

I bet you guys will get a lot of shit for discussing politics on this site. But when you're right you're right. Fuck this guy. You can be conservative without pissing in the well of our national discourse.

banner freakin week

Starship Troopers sucked so lick my baggage.

doh, meant reality tv wasn't a fat satirical target at the time.

by being thin beyond the surface
it's much more believable as an actual reality show. If you broaden the scope to the larger societal issues it would baggage the movie. It would be impossible to make the movie fast paced like an actual tv show. Satirical targets weren't fat when this movie came out.