
it was shockingly funny the first time. it's like there's a curve on it that starts high and then plummets. like getting laid in an arby's bathroom. one time is kind of cool. the more you do it it starts to just get weird.

yah but it's funny tho

be careful itchy! he's Irish!

if soot in the face jokes were black metal
You're like moe sizlak saying "yeah soot in the face jokes are trite but so and so is a soot in the face joke that can really make you think." soot in the face jokes are tired and so was black metal a long time ago so play more thrash or death and less soot in the face jokes.

this feels like
the popular girls are trying to co-opt nerdiness.

toot it & boot it
I think I automatically like every other hip hop song ever made better. Feels weird.

The Crow
The best compilation for heavier darker stuff. RATM, Pantera, The Cure, STP, Rollins Band. They were all b-sides but I think it all added up to something good.

Ai raba you shin!

Bull. Your reason for the double standard is completely arbitrary and self serving. Way to stand up for your principles. And how are you any less than an internet nerd for coming to this exact same website? That condescending attitude is way more hipster.

the problem is that it's not equally enforced
MSNBC contributors Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanon have both made political donations to right wing polititions within the last few years.

This is going to hurt
my twitter campaign to make it Betty White.

Finally, an Austrailia for OUR generation.

As the show kept going it was less about Huey's politics and more satire of black culture. So this show looks like it will be a lot like Boondocks.

I find someone spending half of their life analyzing every little thing that happaned in high school very depressing.

no thriller?
best cheeful dittie on the subject is G.G. Allin's Cunt Sucking Cannibal.

same thing with Old Style Krausened. Which is a fancy exotic word for we downgraded the recipe and it tastes even cheaper now.

20 seconds into the video

damn the torpedos and

No mention of Brady Quinn?
That's like talking about Rock Star without mentioning Rob Halford. Remember when hotshot quarterback Brady Quinn was drafted several spots lower than people expected? Look up his name and gay on google image search.

wait -
why do we get that this show is likely in it's final season?