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    @Jordo: I agree that he may not care. He may act like he'd affected by the situation, both because it's how he "should" react, and also to save face with Masuka should the topic ever come up between them, but the more distracted Rita is, the more time/energy Dex can spend on his other pursuits.

    Ms. Banks is a huge fan of blush
    Good God-what were Ms. Banks' make-up artists thinking with all of that blush? It looked like the just dipped her face in it before hurrying her to set to pass judgment on the shorties!

    God, I hate Toby.

    Flashlight Tag!
    You're it.

    Yeah, I also loved how they sat them apart and at opposite ends of the sides of the table, diagonally from one another. I am aware that seating arrangements are normally mixed up at a formal/semi formal dinner party, but in my opionion, this was clearly an attempt on Bravo's part to mitigate speculation regarding

    I completely agree-the dialogue during the opening scene was horribly stilted and poorly delivered-truly cringeworthy. I'm not understanding the transition to these awful, seemingly exchanges between Sookie and Bill. Their interactions seemed more natural last season, and not quite as campy. But then again, maybe I

    I watch because Zoey really amuses me. She's about the only thing that entices me to keep tuning in. Her, and hot pants Facinelli….he could grab me anytime.
    For those of you who haven't seen it yet, Akilitus tasers herself near the end of ep. 5…and it's HILARIOUS.

    Damn you…
    I am in total agreement with Emily regarding the cheesy words o' love spewed by Sookie and Bill. Out of context or not—-vom-fest. No amount of "context" would have redeemed those lines—they were truly awful.
    That having been stated…it's a fluffy summer show. Great to watch, but not life changing. Don't