
As a life-long fan of the Magic, I can't thank the Cavs enough for picking that guy instead of Oladipo.

Fantastic series finale to a fantastic show. 

Pretty good pilot, I'll be checking this show out next week. Same can't be said for Dads, unfortunately. Christ, what an awful show. Hope they pull that trash off the air within the next few weeks.

The acting across the board was stellar, but Bryan Cranston was truly amazing to watch. What an incredible hour of television.

How do they expect to make us wait a whole week to find out what happens? Good God what a spectacular hour of television.

Amazing way to start 5b. Next 7 are going to be insane.

Well this is getting very interesting indeed. I wonder if he'll record his initial reaction in the commentary or the second or third viewings? The initial reaction with the screen at the bottom showing his facial expressions would be golden, of course.

Agreed. There was a long string of episodes in season 2 that were just fantastic, one after the other that really made season 2 one of the best sitcom seasons ever, for me at least. Hopefully we'll see a repeat of that in season 5.

Season 4 wasn't the worst television on the planet, but it was still pretty bad for Community standards. Hopefully we'll see a return to the season 2/3 quality episodes. Very excited.

Yeah things are definitely getting interesting now. Either way, with Port and Guarascio leaving, season 5 will be much different than season 4. If Harmon decides to come back we'll probably get something like seasons 1-3, or even better. If we get someone completely new, we'll either get something original or end up

Looks like Deadline has confirmed Dan Harmon and Chris McKenna were approached about season 5. I know it's way too early to get excited, but I can't help it.

Yeah, I really, really enjoyed that one. Laughed throughout, especially during Pierce's story. Epidemiology is right up there as well. Maybe I'm just weird, but I love Halloween themed episodes.

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