The Bounce

Modell, it sounds to me like you are waltzing on the deck of RMS Titanic.

Especially since the actor playing Deadshot clearly said "I've". And it wasn't an acronym.

It's not even the plural of penis…



Neaw, ah, yow know whoay they, ah, coall me, Biug Deaddy.

*goes downstairs in bathrobe, grabs toaster, heads back upstairs*

I believe the time is near, friend.

Methinks this play doth kick ass!

Are they going to eschew most of the superpowers, but keep the Lazarus Pit?

I'm just waiting for an Ollie/Sara Salmon Ladder exercise-off…

You could hear Blackthorne's disqust through the "Aware Mode".

Laurel's popping pills a mere week after pounding a couple glasses of red wine? Next Wednesday… "My ex-girlfriend… A junkie?!"

Was the vertigo green? I don't remember…

Look, guys. Laurel's having a tough time. She just needs to get LOADED, all right?!

Still with the robot arms, guys?

Beware the Double Blondes of March!

Would you say you were… *snicker* …Super disappointed?

The showrunners obviously watched "RED" a lot over the hiatus.

It was also pretty sweet that they were proficient with each-others' weapons of choice.