Will Smiff

Did he call everyone into the all-windows meeting room and shout bombastically at them?

You are beholden to no Newswire-writing cocksucker.

Glad you said something.  "Epi" is an abbreviation that does not need to catch on.  But maybe Boner was just writing in "bro", and a bro might say "stoked for the epi".

"No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready, you won't have to."

You beat me to it!!  Well done.  I love that song.

Don't forget Isaak's 'Suspicion of Love'.  I heard that over the credits footage and figured it was a single or on some album somewhere.  Only on the soundtrack, though.  Had to order a used CD to get it for a decent price.

"A regular menace to society."

Remember that Barbie loaded up on smokes as currency early on.  It's a longshot, but maybe Junior is privy to the information that the smokers are all out of cigarettes, and only Barbie has any left. 
Also, the first time he saw her with Barbie they were smoking together, so maybe that's how he associated it. 
I do

Which would reveal that Junior could self-suck, has sucked off someone else, or possibly both.

Who is Hurley?

Barbie all lonely on the couch.  Hope he remained Master of His DOMEain.

Are you also cool with old movies that shot night scenes during the day and used filters and dimming to make it look like night so that you could see everything going on because that was cheaper and easier than proper lighting?

That's King's fault.  He's totally into Lost, so much that he's allowed his novel (though not his finest work) to be ripped to shreds and tarnished forever by sacrificing it to emulate Lost.  He liked Lost so fucking much that he optioned The Dark fucking Tower series to those guys for $19 (19 being significant to the

I now watch it only because of how bad it is.  What stupid shit are they gonna pull next?
I'd like the AV Club to admit that the only reason they're following
this lame show (soap opera cliffhanger material pitched to an NCIS audience) is
because of Dean Norris' involvement with Breaking Bad, and the
assumption that

It's so far from the book at this point that I've given up any hope of even being able to make predictions as to where the plot of the show is going.  All the rules, characters, and timeline have changed.
I think it's possible that Barbie being on the run and the Army talking about him may mean that he'll make contact

Drink every time a line of dialogue makes you cringe.  My liver has not forgiven me.

Considering Barbie got the living shit beat out of him just "yesterday" and he looks just fine, I'm sure you're right.  She'll walk around casually with her right arm in a sling for half of next week's episode, then the dome will somehow heal her or something.
She's got to be recovered so she can bang Barbie.  That or

Dodee, alone at the radio station, to herself:

To the Maxi-Dome!

Rescue him from what?  Don't forget about his months in exile in New Hampshire under a new identity.