Gene Shallot

I read somewhere that she was into black metal (even going so far as to cover a Burzum tune), so I listened to her previous record (Grime). Well, I should have learned from Mount Eerie that such alleged influence would be superficial, at best. Ultimately, Grime struck me in the middle; I neither hated it nor loved it.

Someone who enjoys swiftly passing fads.

The Gunslinger really feels like a one-off story to me. It's lean and compact with few frills and almost no bullshit (I nearly forgot it was a Stephen King novel).
The notion to use it as the jump-off for a fantasy epic seems way after-the-fact.
I made it halfway through the second book before I gave it up. For my

Seems like you had a change of perspective regarding why you would read a story.

And lists of things.
Always lists of things.

I really wish that wasn't what she or anyone said.

It's totally worth it to watch Rules of Attraction because it's great.


Take it from me: