you cannot into mixtapes?
you cannot into mixtapes?
Here is the download link.…
"nobody here" and "end of life entertainment" are so good
you can watch the humans trying to run
as far as inside jokes go, "dawes" is shit tier
That's real.
It's just a bunch of their songs strung together, though.
Because this one was funnier overall and didn't rely on metaphysics to resolve its model UN plotline.
"Awful fusion period"?
What sorts of things do you find to be scary?
DVDA is a myth, a fairy tale we tell to our childen.
It doesn't exist.
Yeah, but drama girl's music is inevitably awful because she approaches it from the wrong side. If you come at something from concept first, without any musical ability, you will likely fail to reach your goals.
Sinking feeling?
What do you mean?
I am very excited for the dubstep Korn record
and only semi-ironically
Back when Gene Siskel was still alive, Ebert had a real stick up his ass.
"At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to
anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this
room is now dumber for having listened to it."
the guy blasting some kid in the face with a garden hose
"I don't even know you, mister!"
That actually makes the joke someone made about it being Adam Sandler's Metal Machine Music seem accurate (and not really a joke at all).
Wait, so this movie has been "in the can" for over two years?
What about The Babe?