
I'm trying to find out if Louie and Dave Chappelle have done stuff together (anyone?). Now there's a cop-movie I'd watch.

come on now, what about Louis CK and Patrice? Have you heard where Patrice freaks out about a dollar bill folding in some weird illuminati way? Gold :D

come on now, what about Louis CK and Patrice? Have you heard where Patrice freaks out about a dollar bill folding in some weird illuminati way? Gold :D

I've only listened to the ones featuring Louie or Patrice and as hilarious as those bits are, you notice Jim Norton and O & A are struggling to keep up.
I don't want to hear what they come up with without Louis CK's input (and I have no trouble picturing out of control racism, which they prob. think is ok, cos they

I've only listened to the ones featuring Louie or Patrice and as hilarious as those bits are, you notice Jim Norton and O & A are struggling to keep up.
I don't want to hear what they come up with without Louis CK's input (and I have no trouble picturing out of control racism, which they prob. think is ok, cos they

maybe him and the Malfoy kid can work on a film together to change their image like Vin Diesel in the Pacifier…

maybe him and the Malfoy kid can work on a film together to change their image like Vin Diesel in the Pacifier…

The Starks do have a lord-of-the-rings type belief in honour and obligation, and what's great about the show is it's not helped them at all in terms of getting what they want or, in Ned's case, surviving…

The Starks do have a lord-of-the-rings type belief in honour and obligation, and what's great about the show is it's not helped them at all in terms of getting what they want or, in Ned's case, surviving…

@sarapen:disqus  Killing the rulers + magic actually does make you the ruler of Qarth, as Xaros and Anorexic Voldemort demonstrated…

@sarapen:disqus  Killing the rulers + magic actually does make you the ruler of Qarth, as Xaros and Anorexic Voldemort demonstrated…

They were definitely going for the analogy of the current 'ruler' (arguably Tywin has more power than the king) riding through the doors and into the throne room and the the 'new' powerful zombie king, riding to the gates of the kingdom…
More of a visual metaphor than an actual relation between the two, I think…

They were definitely going for the analogy of the current 'ruler' (arguably Tywin has more power than the king) riding through the doors and into the throne room and the the 'new' powerful zombie king, riding to the gates of the kingdom…
More of a visual metaphor than an actual relation between the two, I think…

Shae and Jacqen are both German actors, and you can definitely hear their accents…  which is strange, because I would not associate this hard, Northern accent with the 'exotic Southerners' they are supposed to depict…

Shae and Jacqen are both German actors, and you can definitely hear their accents…  which is strange, because I would not associate this hard, Northern accent with the 'exotic Southerners' they are supposed to depict…

I think a lot of it was just expanding the universe, which to me is just as much fun as moving the plot forward…
Season 1 started out very Stark- and Westeros-centric, but it with time we found out that the Wildlings are actual people (with an army!), not much wilder than those South of the Wall.
Qarth was kind of lame,

I think a lot of it was just expanding the universe, which to me is just as much fun as moving the plot forward…
Season 1 started out very Stark- and Westeros-centric, but it with time we found out that the Wildlings are actual people (with an army!), not much wilder than those South of the Wall.
Qarth was kind of lame,

Tyrion is the House of Westeros.