
Tyrion is the House of Westeros.

While the reviews help with learning all these names, I find my pop-culture shorthand pretty practical with some of them…

While the reviews help with learning all these names, I find my pop-culture shorthand pretty practical with some of them…

Well, it seems like he adjusts to the circumstances he's in, as we saw him go from prisoner to guard (or someone with a sword at least) in Harrendal…
who knows what got him to King's Landing…
but you're right, it seems a little too m-night-shyamalan-y; before we know it they'll be telling us it was Bruce Willis all

Well, it seems like he adjusts to the circumstances he's in, as we saw him go from prisoner to guard (or someone with a sword at least) in Harrendal…
who knows what got him to King's Landing…
but you're right, it seems a little too m-night-shyamalan-y; before we know it they'll be telling us it was Bruce Willis all

Damn. That was good.

Damn. That was good.

'and by the way, that dude, who's here to kill us before we getr raped, his name's sir illin' pain.'

'and by the way, that dude, who's here to kill us before we getr raped, his name's sir illin' pain.'

Outkast's 'Hey ya' has some pretty depressing lyrics, in spite of which it's played at every wedding everywhere… only realised that when I heard the Obadiah Parker version.

Outkast's 'Hey ya' has some pretty depressing lyrics, in spite of which it's played at every wedding everywhere… only realised that when I heard the Obadiah Parker version.

gyros is greek, shawarma is arabic.

you've got to love the five stages of grief: denial and finally, acceptance. britta'd it.

I'm guessing magic dude took the dragons. OR Kyle Gass. or the rich dude.
OR Jorah, so that he can get with D… 'You know, with that whole Iron Throne thing not happening, cos you lost your dragons, would you maybe, sometime, want to, I don't know, hang out or something…?'

'Do you ever go to the beach and there's a shark scare and then people realise it's just Steve Carrell doing the backstroke?' *Zach on Steve Carrell's nose

that explains why ron-swanson-davos is hanging out with him!

also tyler and katy, got to remember our target audiences here… can i get one grief-stricken, misanthropic, fictional perry at least? dr. perry cox?

'I never liked crossbows; take too long to RELOAD!! *rip yoren

Though I have to say, my twisted mind took the stag scepter to imply a much more horrifying use… when the girl *merely* gets spanked with what I thought was gonna be an iron-maiden-dildo, I remember legitimately thinking 'Geoffrey's not so bad after all… he's just a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to hit