
Of course not!  He was *paid* to sweat, which he would never have done on his own, so it belongs to the bold entrepreneur who hired the lousy parasite.

Of course not!  He was *paid* to sweat, which he would never have done on his own, so it belongs to the bold entrepreneur who hired the lousy parasite.

Just as a point of correct usage, Ocean wasn't "outed."  He came out. 

Just as a point of correct usage, Ocean wasn't "outed."  He came out. 

Oh wait, I misread that as "tiresome."  Carry on.

Why?  He's an astrophysicist, not a biologist.  There's no reason to suppose he's much better informed on Natural Selection than most laymen.

And then Eric was rushed to the emergency room, and they pumped a *gallon of semen* from his stomach!  True story!

"And stupid Star Wars fans will still pay to see it."

Really.  He's just doing this to drive you crazy.

Oh, and P.S.  " … Cohen’s second record pushed his arrangements beyond the familiar songwriter-with-an-acoustic-guitar setup."  Maybe, maybe not.  At the time, Songs from a Room seemed toned-down compared to the extra instrumentation and female choruses on Songs of Leaonard Cohen, though it was more that the total

This is a rather rambling, not very well-organized introduction to Cohen, not one of the better in this series.  Maybe I'll write one of my own.

I'm not sure that's entirely fair.  It's been awhile since I watched Performance, but I seem to recall some James Fox nudity in there, and he is neither barely legal or Aboriginal.  In general, English and European filmmakers are a lot more casual about frontal nudity of both sexes than Americans (even Americans

In the idyllic swimming scene (flashback? fantasy?) at the end, there is frontal nudity of all three kids.  If you care about the endowment of 16-year-old youths, you can judge for yourself.

Reminds me of a line that was cut from Blazing Saddles:

I doubt Takei would object to being sucked by Twilight, as long as it was one of the boys.  Nor would I.

Probably when the next fad comes along.  And then all the Twilight fans will be screaming "This is crap!  Real vampires don't [whatever the new batch of vampires or werewolves, whatEVer do]!  They're ruining Western culture!"

I liked the cartoon adaptations too; I watched one of them on Youtube before I risked spending money on them.  They weren't great, by any means — someone in another comment referred to "afternoon TV" production values, and that's them.  But they get the job done, and I thought the voices were well cast.  At that time

Agreed, though Witches Abroad is close.  Lords and Ladies is the one I keep picking up to reread bits of, and then find I've stayed up all night with it.

The greatest book ever written is Gone with the Wind.  Which also is a novel about the sanctity of property, with strong women who claw their way ruthlessly to wealth, with rough sex and racial stratification to keep things spicy.  Hm….

According to the New Testament, Jesus taught that the end of the world and the final judgment would come within the lifetime of his original followers.  So there was no need to take a lot of thought for the morrow.