
I think Podmass is controversial because I haven't been able to find any other sites (admittedly, haven't really looked) that regularly cover/review podcasts.  I don't scream about something not getting covered in the comments or when something is listed as "The Rest", but I will cop to being disappointed when I find

I loved him around his Simpsons Halloween episode when I forget who chastised another writer for crediting David X. with the creation of a fake word

I loved him around his Simpsons Halloween episode when I forget who chastised another writer for crediting David X. with the creation of a fake word

I just don't think that's how people with money think.  Admittedly I'm not a person with money though.

I just don't think that's how people with money think.  Admittedly I'm not a person with money though.

At this point, The Simpsons is the realized version of Sideshow Bob stepping on the rake; becoming funny, unfunny, then funny again on a continuous loop. I can understand wanting some new creative blood, but I'm also oddly gleeful that the Simpsons can keep churning out episodes even though it's essentially as old as

At this point, The Simpsons is the realized version of Sideshow Bob stepping on the rake; becoming funny, unfunny, then funny again on a continuous loop. I can understand wanting some new creative blood, but I'm also oddly gleeful that the Simpsons can keep churning out episodes even though it's essentially as old as

Just a side comment, I learned about the importance of showrunners through hours of the Simpsons DVD commentary.

Just a side comment, I learned about the importance of showrunners through hours of the Simpsons DVD commentary.

Gotta be WallE.  Though as part of the Ginger Revolution, Brave has a lot of promise.

I may be wrong, but it looked like they were trying to redesign Meelo.  He was always one of the oddest designed characters and I don't remember any face close ups this episode even though he was in a few scenes.  

Tasha Robinson actually recommended the series a while back on the Reasonable Discussions podcast, so I went out and read the books.  They are great and get better and bigger as the series moves along.  I think Kaufman can find a creative way to make the noise work on film

nick has it up now

I think the SXSW was the best of what the podcast can be.  Also Pete's Kumail impression kills me for some reason.  The latest "in front of a live studio audience" episode was good, but I didn't like how they were begging the audience to laugh.

I thought it was the best one on one podcast ol' Petey has done to date (maybe Maron).

Aisha Tyler has a pretty great laugh. 

Springtucky PEW PEW!!

I'm glad you told me that.

You give bad advice

I read the first book before season 1 started and tried to plow into the second one, but gave up half way through.  I think the show is a way better medium because the interplay happens in minutes instead of pages.  I liked the structure of the books, but if you start to get bored with one of the plot lines, entire