
I absolutely loved when Shannon asked Maron about his body image issues and his mother in the last 7 minutes of the interview.  I know that Marc is more than willing to share any darkness, but I'd never heard him talk about it with any seriousness before.


I mean, you guys go and ruin a $5,000 suit.  Barack Obama was on a friggin podcast.  COME ON!!! (disclaimer: these two sentences aren't wholly related)

Lets get it to 10,000!

that's pletty cold blos

I guess I'd like to know why as well.

This episode gets better with repeated viewings

Late here so not sure if I'll get a response, but does the Ralphie May WTF episode mark the least amount of talking we hear from the host in the podcast's history?  I thought it was a great episode, just curious

Make Phil watch Father Knows Best and then write 1,000 words on subtle Cold War fears  and the downfall of capitalism in 50s American suburbia.

I can't reply to you @avclub-53cbd05b2437d9a08807dc959f8f0122:disqus , so I guess I'm just gonna go reply myself.  When Stoller went on his rant about Hardwick's highjacking (? might not be the right word) of the word nerd, Marc was like "I'm in the same boat as you buddy" or something to that effect.  Then he got out

I agree that the drama is there.  I remember watching Atlanta's games and then Keri Strug landing on one foot.  That was one of the coolest moments ever and it was about gymnastics for chrissake (sorry, I just needed to break my chrissake usage hymen).  But as awesome as that moment was, I just don't trust the medium

I thought the interview was hilarious and was surprised at how gentle Marc was.  I think @Nerdist on Twitter announced that they're going to have Stoller on soon.  I just want podcast beef.  I can't see anybody messing with Maron though. 

Also, dropping today and probably to be covered next podmass, Fred Stoller on today's WTF is pretty damn funny.  Also feels like we have our first podcast beef.  Who Shot Ya, Hardwick??

I don't know if anybody else has this defense mechanism, but I like to jump into shit knee deep, knowing that there's no way I can back out even though I know that I'm terrified that I'm making a huge mistake.  You can actually hear that defense mechanism in the Todd Glass interview.

That was a great, interesting episode

Todd Glass…


May have come in past deadline (so it may be included in next week's podmass), but sports + music fans or die hard Chili Pepper fans should check out the Flea episode on the B.S. Report.  Flea comes across as a genuine unpretentious guy who just likes liking things.  There's also decent friendship chemistry there and

No,no, no. This is forever. This is what we do now.  This is who we are.

Let me just say that I'm so proud of you guys. :')  We're half way there! 20,000 comments and a traveling roadshow!