it's like you have espn or something
it's like you have espn or something
butter intolerant?
He sang in Caddy Shack…
That whole song made me think of that Tom Brokaw book he tried to sell to baby boomers.
and Festivus for the rest of us
Commu(nicable diseases)
Sad quick Christmas song. Sad quick Christmas snowman. Tragic day gone wrong. Sad quick Christmas song.
Yeah I feel like the Britta Troy stuff is pretty forced, but I want these characters to be happy. They do seem to have some chemistry…or I'm projecting and A) identify with Abed and 2) find Alison Brie ridiculously attractive.
It's in a few parts. Here's part 1.
I believe that story is on youtube, told by Smith in what I assume is its entirety. Link to follow..
It was very weird to notice the change a few viewings later and specifically remembering Mako's powerful performance in the season 2 finale. The writers and the actor handled the transition fairly seamlessly, but when I finally noticed that Mako wasn't voicing Iroh anymore, I couldn't help miss him.
I think Sean would be the perfect test subject to see how effective having the title "Doctor" is at attracting a significant other. Measure the level of quality he can attract and adjust your career goals accordingly.
Tales of Ba Sing Se marks the first time we hear Greg Baldwin as Iroh. In the earthbending soccer scene, Baldwin's voice is used and then switch back to Mako for the thief piece.
I think LeBatard is the most divisive guest, but he's definitely my favorite (probably even more than Simmons). He makes a great foil, he's a natural contrarian(I can relate), flop sweat, and the way he yells at Reali and always loses and screws up Oddsmakers makes me laugh. But I've heard other people say he's the…
Free Mr. Tony!! (stupid sales weasels)
"Pants are an illusion, and so is death"
-Huu the Vinebender
It was my favorite theoretical class ever. Part of the credit goes to my professor (Bish Sen, a very funny Super Nanny enthusiast), but it's also a subject that's very ripe for cultural analysis. The width and breadth of topics and types of shows (American Idol, Flavor of Love, Toddlers and Tiaras, Big Brother…the…
I took a reality television class here in Eugene and our group was tasked with the studying and presenting Survivor. If you're interested in academic papers, I can forward some of them (some address your culture stripping criticism) to the all-mighty omnipresent AV Club email thingy and hope that they find you.
There's a quiet, understated moment in one of these episodes (sorry, forget which one) that deals with a touchy topic. Iroh mistakes Smellerbee for a boy, Smellerbee kind of explodes, then has a humorous one sided conversation with Longshot (underrated character?) about being comfortable with herself and not worrying…
It also marks arguably the most poignant, sad moment in the history of the show in Iroh's tale