
I think the deadline for podcasts reviewed is Wednesday night (correct?).  Wondering if this week's B.S. Report with John Walsh will make next week's cut.  The two guys cover Hunter S. Thompson, and Walsh has some fantastic stories and a unique perspective on the man. 

Makes you want to lie down on the rug and listen to cassette tapes of bowling until someone knocks you unconscious.

maybe, but still

"Alright, that's a wrap guys."
Has there ever been more appropriate words at the end of a music video?

Off topic: Most poignant moment of weeds?
I'm not saying the show peaked here, but when Ballerina by Leona Naess came on at the end of a mid-season 1 episode and Nancy cries for her dead husband, for me that was the best heartbreaking moment of the series.

Off topic: Most poignant moment of weeds?
I'm not saying the show peaked here, but when Ballerina by Leona Naess came on at the end of a mid-season 1 episode and Nancy cries for her dead husband, for me that was the best heartbreaking moment of the series.

I rang up Luke Perry while working at Radio Shack years ago.

I don't mean to criticize the review and I thought the opening was good. I just got lost in paragraphs 6 & 7 when we jumped into a recap of the episodes respectively.

Is it just me…
Or are the paragraphs out of order?

Best Sokka line was when he whispered "Water Tribe" at the scared earth benders.

Is he a platypus bear?
….I forgot the rest of it, but Bosco is simply a bear. He's also pretty awesome. (Check out his reaction to Aang's entertainment in the episode where we first meet Long Faang)

I'm not going to watch this…
Partly because I don't have Showtime, but also because this show fell off the rails. But I would love to follow the reviews to see if this is something that I should watch in the future.

I blame this on the Coors/Doublemint twins. Apologies to any non-famous twins reading this gaffe.

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TRANSGENDERS AND HERMAPHRODITES!! that was the greatest podcast episode in the history of light and air.

I want to agree…I really do, but I keep hearing about news that is really old, and there are just so many podcasts out there that I want to listen to that understand the medium. I hope Gary will inform all the Twittles if management ever gets their heads out of their ass. But for now, it's a tearful, hopefully

Anybody else drop the Tony Kornheiser Show?
I loved the Tony Kornheiser podcast as much as I love any podcast I currently subscribe to, but I chose to unsubscribe because the sales weasels at the show decided to delay the podcast for the minimum of 1 day to try and drive listenership to the live stream.

i think so