
All the bargaining has got to stop. Every week now people are asking Jeff for something. Do not like.
Maybe it's just me, but Jeff sounded noticeably irritated after Reed offered to give up his spot on the reward.

I find that even a poor season of Survivor is still fascinating. My theory is that they brought a weak cast so they can make season 30 look strong for their 15th Anniversary, or something.

True, thanks for putting it in perspective. I was just getting down because its been weak so far.

I have seen em all and I know there are quite a few stinkers, but this one is up there with the worst of em so far.

Yes, they are likeable. I just don't even know who to root for, they are just so dumb, strategy-wise.

This was a very entertaining episode in what is turning out to be a terrible season. Perhaps its just because last season was one of the best in a long time?

last season is gonna be tough to top. unfortunately, I see this season falling flat. hope i'm wrong, but the people don't seem to be particularly strategy-minded from what they have shown us so far.

well looks like they will be since one of em was voted out. :)

nadiya and tweety were supremely annoying on amazing race, hoping the other one is out soon too.

hmm… must have watched a different show.

Topic for discussion: Top 10 Survivors who had the most fun playing (list gets weak towards the bottom)
1. Tony
2. Russell Hantz
3. Richard Hatch
4. Greg Buis
5. Phillip Shephard
6. Coach
7. Rupert
8. Penner
9. Courtney
10. Boston Rob

Survivor has always had a LOST vibe. Chuck Klosterman once wrote a piece comparing the two if I', mot mistaken

spencer is not great, no way,

only Tony, kinder gentler Russel Hantz

YEah, definitely, i was thinking there outght to be two lists, entertainment value and skill.

Anyone but Spencer, one of the most boring players to go deep in ages. There are worse, but their so unmemorable I can't remember, Cowboy Rick maybe

fuck spencer

Judge, have you ever posted a list of your top 20 Survivors? I think thats something we'd all like to see.

I don't understand the love for Spencer. He's a much more boring John Cochrane. He is so boring.

The Spy Shack footage was the first time I have laughed out loud at Survivor since Coach or Philite. I need a gif of Tony pushing the leaves aside.