
Tony is definitely in the Top 20 in terms of "Most Entertaining Survivor Ever" Maybe in the Top 10 Survivor players ever. True? Discuss please.

It didn't matter, but I'm calling shenanigans on that immunity challenge. Didn't Woo's footwear give him an advantage?

Tony definitely learned his "agent of chaos' strategy from Hantz. He's a slightly more likeable Russell, zero chance of winning, but 100% chance of being invited back.
It is totally infuriating how he makes both amazing and stupid moves every single episode.

Tony definitely learned his "agent of chaos' strategy from Hantz. He's a slightly more likeable Russell, zero chance of winning, but 100% chance of being invited back.
It is totally infuriating how he makes both amazing and stupid moves every single episode.

They were also Pygmys.

I'm in the bigtime minority but am on Team Phillip all the way and forever, sorry. I like Survivor-crazy more than Survivor-competent, haha.
See also Coach, Brandon, Marty, etc….

This seasons cast is amazing. Some exciting real old school survivor stuff happening here so far.