
You guys are right on with this list, I would put Transformers at my number one. I didn't see the other movies that beat it on the list thou… I'm not going to either.

Decent list i guess
I couldn't agree more with a good chunk of people that think Grizzy Bear, Animal Collective and Dirty Projectors are grossly overrated. All decent albums, but not even close to a top 10 position. That's just my crappy opinion.

I don't get it
I honestly need to be explained what is so great about these guys. All I understand is that it kind of sounds cool really stoned, but that can't be the only reason it's frickin 3rd on the best albums of the year. It starts off so good with In The Flowers and My Girls, but then it tails of into lots of

My game of the year.
This is my game of the year for sure. Assassins Creed II is a much renovated version of it's original release, the concept has always been there, but they turned the redundancy that plagued the first release into an evolved version of the good Zelda games from back in the day (Nintendo 64). I was