spike is dead

I was thinking like a jungle-themed Gauntlet? But they really should've gone with a N64/PS1-type console and then you could've conceivably had a "retro" game that had these types of mechanics a la Gauntlet: Legends.

So, just like the anime, Ryuk's going to be the best thing about it.

The book's improved a lot from the first arc. Thompson's had a handle on Kate since issue one, but I'm really enjoying the direction she's taken re: her family life. I don't particularly care for the extended cast of this one, but Kate's solid and entertaining. (But, dang, do I want Clint to pop up at some point.)

I did wonder whether it would be possible for them to get some sort of funding from each country's tourism departments or local governments. It does a remarkable job of promoting what makes each of the eight's country's beautiful and unique, even with the occasional shootout.

I was pretty curious to see how this would funding deal work for a second round of films. Has there been any sort of indication as to how the first season did? I know they're planning a new tour, right?

…THANK FUCK. This makes me so happy.

How else did you think this show would end? With a bang and a whimper.

It's a little slow and disorienting at first. It's setting up a fantastically weird premise and has to ground you in it. But Episode 4 is when everything just clicks. After that, it's just all heart, gorgeous locations, and really good action sequences.

I'm, of course, going to watch this one.

I tried Turkish coffee for the first time earlier this month. It nearly knocked me out. I liked it.

Oh, no, he was there. It's best to assume that Gunther is always there. Watching. Always watching.

It just reminded that ABBA is prime action movie material.

Well, if it wasn't then…it sure is now.


No, I'm the best boy.

The art style or the animation?

He can play the The Prankster and Toyman.

I have a terrible confession. I absolutely hated Punisher: War Zone. I'm not even sure why! It has all the ingredients that I normally love in a B-movie: over-the-top violence, a well-cast lead with an imposing presence, and it doesn't take itself too seriously. And yet, any time I try to watch it, I can't. I just

Reed Richards is so brilliant that he's too smart for his own good. Not socially inept, but rather just so many steps ahead of people that it's infuriating to most except his family. I'm trying to think of an actor who could pull it off. I can actually see who I would want, but I can't remember who he is.

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