
To be fair, wanking it to a youtube clip is a 'kind' of virginity.

This will never get old for me:

Straight men are usually funnier than the goof. I am a dog lover, but it is difficult for dogs to play the straight man.


Six hundred pages of

Right? It is a band with a song called "Big Balls" for christ's sake. Totally misses the point.

You could color your hand green with a marker first, then re-enact a scene from V.

Umm, did you watch American Movie? I don't think access to equipment was his main problem.

The best is when pre-HD shows are both letterboxed and pillarboxed so they are like tiny youtube videos in the middle of your TV.

That is what you get for doing a great job, get promoted into a job where you are unable to use any of those skills while you seethe at underlings who suck at doing what you did wonderfully.

And the reason the guards knew where to find those bastards, was because Robert was not circumspect about the whole thing and financially supported them through Robert Arryn. Hence part of Cersei's hatred of him.

There are really only two options, Spoilers obviously:

I am curious about what you feel is wrong with the last episode. Was it too weird or too conventional? I can see arguments for both perspectives which is why I think it struck a good balance.

Yeah but Mother Teresa was not really a good person, Weird Al seems like genuinely great guy.

I don't know that I would go that far, but Fargo was much, much better than it had any right to be. True Detective just had the deck stacked for it. It has kind of ruined the first season of Hannibal for me which I started watching immediately after.

Publishers are not doing too bad. They have learned from the music and movie industry. They are starting to do away with DRM and working with libraries. The idea is to not put any barriers between your product and the consumer. If it is easy and cheap to get, most people will pay for it. Pirates are not dissuaded by

Yes, and a five cent psychiatric booth.

Great comment, but I would go a bit further and point out that the outdated business model you mentioned is actually structurally impossible to maintain. Leaving all ethics out of it, the idea that any intellectual property that is intended to be distributed can remain scarce is absurd.
There was art long before

Yeah weird times, our TV was tamer while our movies were more explicit for their target audience.

Yes, you should. Tough it out even if you do not 'get it' the first few episodes and even if it feels like it has not aged well.