
Something, something, could not get their wheelchairs on the plane.

ITS A FACT! The cute, as a species, do not age well.

Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

It was totally worth waiting 3 hours for that interview to download back in the dial-up days.

Why don't you just have a seat over here….. Have I seen you before?

I thought Nikolaj gave the best defense, which was strangely absent in the article above. He said it was to show Jaime as desperate to get things back to the way they were. I don't think that is the best motivation from his character's standpoint, but at least it does not come completely out of left field. Obviously

It will be just like the Star trek reboot, so instead of Chewie getting hit by the moon, it will be Han….mind blown!

Because you touch yourself at night.

And the same age as Leonardo DiCaprio, Drew Barrymore and me!

Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh… everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

If your friend "accidentally" forgets to bring the cups, you know something is up.

Which is probably why it was one of our go-to shows in my college apartment. (Weed may have played a role)

Those Reebok pump shoes that were popular in the early 90's had a lifetime warranty on the pump, so we would wear them for about 6 months, poke a hole in the pump with a needle and return them for full credit toward a new pair.

Some friends in college had a life size Ronald McDonald statue that they swiped from the drive through. I got drunk one night and spent 20 minutes cutting his nose off with a pocket knife. I think some frat boys eventually stole it.

We tend to discourage that. People always bring in the cheapest torn up used copy they can find. That or try shit like replacing a hardback with a paperback. Just give us the money, we may not even want to replace that 20 year old Danielle Steel book that we still have 5 copies of.

She is the one with the last laugh, how will you ever be able to throw it out without feeling guilty?

Not so much illegal as doing the Lord's work. Keep fighting the good fight sir!

I love that sound. Everyone in the theater knows what it is and most cannot help giggling as it rolls and pings off chair legs all the way down to the front.

I have shared this before, but open a box of wine and you have a flexible bladder full of wine that fits nicely under a coat. Position it right and you can have the nozzle come out of your pant's zipper. Have a second person bring plastic cups and you can supply a whole row.

What about in Tommen years?