
I think they have done pretty good with angle trickery to make them at least look like the size of Tibetan Mastiffs:
which can be pretty freaky looking. That being said it would be nice to see a dire wolf the size of a pony.

I would not say it is my favorite Ministry album, but I do really enjoy it and find myself going back to it surprisingly often.

Hmm, we must have been a cooler team because about the only album we could all agree on in the football locker room before a game was Temple of the Dog.

I see your Trixter and raise you Jackyl, whom I was lucky enough to see wield a real chainsaw on stage as they carved a lopsided J in a poor bar stool.

That was exactly how I felt when I saw Jane's Addiction in 2009. They opened with the Kevin Bacon clip and I was just floored by how good they were.

@avclub-00865d413600d26adb36d2f55973559f:disqus Well the cool kids will yank out Louder than Love and call Badmotorfinger the sell-out album, but I just think it is more polished especially since it took a while for Badmotorfinger to really catch on. I saw them on that tour opening for Skid Row for god's sake.

I am just waiting for the day when all of us change our usernames to Cookiemonster#.

He's going to have to change his username and avatar now. We already know PugsMalone will be immortalized as the NOT A PORN/HENTAI SITE Anime Bath Scene wiki guy in the 2013 Commies.

I actually have not read 1Q84 yet, my wife liked it. I loved Wild Sheep Chase and Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.

@avclub-243ab9724111ea49f72c7755a1d98bfc:disqus Try Murakami, quite a bit slower and more intellectual, but just as odd in his own way.

Yeah if the Demon Cycle is too graphic, then I would definitely avoid Broken Empire, the anti-hero spends most of the first book as a very young teenager killing and raping his way across the land. Think the movie Kids set in an apocalyptic fantasy.

I actually liked 5 better than 4, but maybe that was just my viewpoint character preferences.

Sci-fi/Fantasy Thread

I would go ahead with the 5th as it is essentially the other half of the 4th. Don't be like us poor slobs who had no choice in waiting years and years.

I usually like Mieville, but I just could not accept the two city conceit, it was too out there.

Not new, but whenever someone asks that question I go to The Consumer by M. Gira.

Is the second one any good? I just finished the first and while I liked it, it felt a little scattershot.

That is ok, I am not much of a beer drinker. I enjoy some really sweet craft brew amber ales, but my drink is Jack and Coke. The only mass-produced beer I can drink is Heineken and I think that is because it was literally cheaper than a bottle of water when I was in Amsterdam.