cj howareya

So glad that epic Zaltzman intro from The Bugle gets a shout out.

You thought the WC final was boring as shit, because it was boring as shit.  Just as many Super Bowls are stinkers—but in both there are always great narratives and build-ups and histories and nuances that alas only invested fans can appreciate.  For example, despite

I thought Mark Hamill was actually quite good in The Big Red No.

Les Mis looks faaaaaan-tastic! 

Les Mis looks faaaaaan-tastic! 

Just want to second the recommendation on the 'Beyond Belief' segments of Thrilling Adventure Hour.  I just discovered those and immediately went through all of them.  Tompkins and Brewster are just outstanding — and as mentioned Brewster's accent and delivery are crazy good.

Just want to second the recommendation on the 'Beyond Belief' segments of Thrilling Adventure Hour.  I just discovered those and immediately went through all of them.  Tompkins and Brewster are just outstanding — and as mentioned Brewster's accent and delivery are crazy good.

I can. not. wait. to go home and see if this is true. 
Because if so, you are my new hero.

I can. not. wait. to go home and see if this is true. 
Because if so, you are my new hero.

The opposite of adore in Spanish is fedora.

I'm still gob smacked over that Paul F. Tompkins performance on Doug Loves Movies.  Where is the standing ovation?  The guy was maintaining two completely separate characters simultaneously, making jokes / asides / interacting with Doug —and himself— all while being consistent with each voice.  That was crazy-go-nuts

From the Dept. of Obvious Belaborment:
That performance of Radio Radio never, ever gets old or unawesomey.

You can find that in your standard ya-don't-know-what-I-said book.