
so, rather than realising that you had in fact misheard the lyric for your whole life, replacing a rather poetic line in a famous song for something mundane and perfunctory, and just inwardly feeling a little foolish, you decide to doggedly stick to your ridiculous misconception and publish it for the whole world to

he did indeed quote Archer, and I can't believe i had to scroll down through so many comments before anyone mentioned it. what! aren't we doing phrasing anymore or something!?

The final five minutes of episode 9 features a really odd choice of stock footage. Garrett Jacob Hobbs is using Abigail to track his (their) latest victim on a train and there is an establishing shot of a train pulling into a station. It's in black and white, cause you know, it's a flashback, and it's only on screen

BBC drama? Not all British drama is made by the BBC you know. This was made by ITV.