Yeah but he stuck up for her SO BADLY. "Uhh…football! Oh yeah, grade point average!"
Yeah but he stuck up for her SO BADLY. "Uhh…football! Oh yeah, grade point average!"
Ugh I forgot how annoyed I was by that. And the fact that seriously, Keira Knightly is just going to hang out on this island with a baby for the rest of her life? Wasn't the whole point of the first movie how she specifically didn't want to do that?
I'm confused about when Skeet Ulrich stopped being a pretty boy. I mean Jericho wasn't THAT long ago was it?
That's why this episode was only a B, all we got was Jughead in a wifebeater…
The teen noir-ish-ness (along with the "a long time ago we used to be friends" relationship of Jughead/Archie and the inexplicably wealthy public school kids) of the first few episodes was definitely reminding me of VM, but I think Riverdale has gotten sufficiently batshit at this point to differentiate it. But if…
That's the reason I can't take Beaty and the Beast seriously. They give me tragic Edwardian hero, I see David from Legion.
Well I keep thinking Aubrey Plaza on Legion is Krysta Rodriguez so I guess it makes sense that Krysta Rodriguez is in the Aubrey Plaza role on the P&R clone.
Lisa's currently running a food truck outside my office. It's a very good food truck but still…food truck.
Well there was the scene in the car when she turned back into herself but that was also arguably just an illustration of the story she was telling…so yeah no idea.
Um…did anyone else think that everyone, contestants and judges, were absolutely hammered during judge's table? On a related note, turns out that a bunch of drunk people desperately trying to act sober makes for the best judge's table ever.
My new theory is that Sam was eliminated this early on in order to provide a selling point for LCK, which, as the review pointed out, was an uncharacteristically gimmicky episode of Chopped this week. Although the outcome has been pretty foregone both episodes (as soon as Tom was like "oh you're one of those fried egg…
Calling the contestants out at once is such a bizarre choice. I guess it makes sense given the tableside feedback but both of those choices make the end of the episode weirdly dull.
Late but man, the hottest thing this episode was Edgar's wink as he was leaving.
This is why you always update your marketing materials.
You're right, but I've been waiting to see "Mama I'm a Big Girl Now" performed on screen since 2003 and I was so excited I didn't even notice the stupid split screen.
Seriously, poor Derek Hough sounded like he had just giving up on the mic completely by the end of the night and was just attempting to shout directly into America's living rooms.
Agreed - and you could see that confusion in a lot of the performances as well, with the actors split between whether they should be giving a quieter film performance or playing to the (nonexistent) live audience.
I'm so glad the backlash against him hasn't started yet. I mean I know how the internet works and it's going to happen at some point but he's so smart and talented and seems so genuinely positive I really just want us all to be able to keep liking him.
She was so surprising in this! I've only ever seen her play Aubrey Plaza but this was different and really great.
Sometimes the chaotic turbulence of our world yields something frivolous and innocuous and there's a catharsis to taking a moment to appreciate this.