
I was wondering the same thing about you.
Oh - I like your profile pic.

I was wondering the same thing about you!
Oh - I like your profile pic.

Ummm, ok, why do you read the comments (at least I assume you're reading them) and respond to updates/recaps/blogs/commentary of a show you don't watch?  Talk about needing to get a life!

Why do you bother commenting on a show you don't watch?

It was Greenwich, CT.  Pete wanted to stay in the City (he claimed Central Park was as good as any backyard for him), but she wanted to move - this came up in the episode where the partners had to contribute $ to keep the firm afloat, Trudy forbade Pete to contribute, Pete didn't have enough anyway (he and Trudy had

Don's secretary (Caroline) is not a new character, she's been in at least one other season (I think she was Roger's secretary at one point). I love the fact that Peggy was wearing the same dress (the black one with the black and white ribbon down the front) that she wore at the end of last season.

I think you mean River Song . . . : )