the rationalist

Pompous Wankery would be a good band name, though.

Who's on call this weekend?
To do the Amy Winehouse death notice?

Meant, you fool—not mean.

What the hell ever happened to "wait till you're older"?

In terms of Disney, after a crying child asked Walt Disney, "Why did Bambi's mother have to die?," he decided that in future projects, the equivalent of Bambi's mother wouldn't die, regardless of the source material.
There were exceptions, of course—Old Yeller still gets shot, but in the movie, he's obviously rabid,

There's the one with the foreign exchange student that Baby eats, and the Sinclairs square things with its family by giving them a big-screen tv.
The other family was French; I have great memories of a Jerry Lewis dinosaur on tv, and the French dinosaurs absorbed in whatever he was doing.

Captain Planet is being revamped and rebooted. Seriously.

Earl wasn't the biggest of the Dinosaurs. I don't know what he was supposed to be, but there was a tyrannosaurus (the one who couldn't bowl because of his "disability"), and there was one episode with a really huge carnivorous dinosaur that wanted to kill Earl for some reason.

Down or Down's.
Also, Walmart.

Frontier Land?
Only vague, vague memories now, of the stagecoach ride.

Republican math, there.


That's probably what put them out of business.


Further back.

Dubonnet on ice
"Dubonnet on ice
So nice"

Steve Miller is back recording and has a brand new album coming out.
In case anyone is interested.

She married well.

Neckbeard, there are pole dancing classes for Christian women who want to please their husbands.

I think I saw that Casey Anthony's father killed himself because he was convinced his daughter was guilty.
Bet he feels stupid now. Or would.