the rationalist

I remember one where Rob felt emasculated because Laura fixed the toaster instead of asking him to do it.
God, the '60s.

Boxers haven't done very well. Evander Holyfield was horrible, and Floyd Maywhateverhisnameis wasn't good either.
Football players have been good. Gymnasts and ice skaters have been good.
Dancers with built-in fan bases have done well without necessarily being good. (Soap opera actors, Mormons, country music

Maybe he just wants to be the next Emmit Smith.

Ah well.
repeat as needed

Sometimes it's just better to accept good fortune than to question it. Like most of the time.

Where they went wrong
They needed Leslie Nielsen as the pilot. The mind boggles.

Blade Runner—pets that don't shit all over the house.

Exactly. Matt LeBlanc is free.

You beat me to it.

I like Noises Off, too.
And I add Matinee to the list of under-appreciated comdies.

One dare not cross Susan Lucci.

unicyclistetc.—Eddie Izzard.

Bennie Goodman was very old, and he died holding his clarinet, and that is not a euphemism.

J. Peasemold Gruntfuttock. Cecil Snape. Dame Celia Molestrangler.
Dr. Chu En Ginsberg.
Giles Wemmbley-Hogg, two ms, two gs.

The same Colin Wilson who wrote The Mind Parasites? And numerous true-crime books?

Tap, with Gregory Hines.

The Devil and David Lynch sounds like a great movie.

I didn't see SNL because I gave up on it years ago, but I do give most of my entertainment time to BBC/ITV productions, and I know there's a pretty widespread belief in the UK that Americans don't understand much of anything, including all things British. Eight years of George Bush followed by the Sarah Palin