the rationalist

Lone Audience, thanks for the link. I read that piece and then followed its link to the Haskin piece (I'd read Haskin's first and second articles already but missed this one), and it seems I've underestimated just how bad this movie is.
Pure Disney, and that does indeed mean crapola.

The Disney version
This movie is going to stink.
Go to youtube and watch the real thing.

I read Earth Abides when I was 14 or so, and it's stayed with me ever since.
Though I must say, I'm not so in favor of having almost everyone die and leave me here to cope alone as I used to be.
No, I'm still in favor of that.

Donald Westlake = Richard Stark
As well as Samuel Holt, Tucker Coe, Timothy Culver (or something like that), and a couple of other pseuds as well.
Westlake—where to start? With Dortmunder? The Ax? One of the Stark Parker novels?
He even wrote porn when he was starting out and trying not to starve.

Secretariat was much better looking than SJP.

The English Patient is great. It's not easy, but a little work makes it worthwhile.

If you want Secretariat untarnished with the foul matter that emanates from Disney, go to youtube and watch his videos. There's no shortage, and it's the real thing.

Good job. It's like reading the Dating letters in Yahoo Answers.

Wouldn't a film of 1-second shots be like having an attack of epilepsy?

It's called a platen. The bail is the curved wire with the two rollers that holds the paper down against the platen.
Platen has a short a, like plat, not like plate.

He sort of indicated that he'd screw anything that didn't get away in time.

Barbara Stanwyck. Think Double Indemnity, her scenes with Fred McMurray.

Period correct, though.

I have complete faith in Jeff Bridges' ability to say the rat writ line.

Mud, ant bites, and the back of her skirt stuffed in her pantyhose.

For Gemini, he should have had two dancers.
And what's with the cowgirl shit? It doesn't make sense at all.

I don't know, Judge. That sounds like the scariest alien invasion ever, like being surrounded by a seething mass of talk show participants.
Maybe that's the explanation for Oprah.

Bourne—one term for it is folie a deux. The madness of two.
It can also come in increasing numbers of participants, which is how you get cults, religions, and the Tea Party.

You could always pretend to be teaching them computer skills, no?

was wrong.
Except, you know, 200 years ago.