the rationalist

Somewhere there's a joke involving Greeks and vowels, but I can't find it.

I think he's lying about his eyesight. I think it's a ploy so he can be "healed" miraculously.

Matilda is a terrific kid's book by Roald Dahl. It's better than Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
When I was still a kid, I read Dahl's adult fiction; as an adult, I read his kid's books. Probably the best approach.

A course of cortisone might be just what Beck needs.

This teacher is hooked
on Phonics.

What surprised me in Marnie is that Connery's character m/l rapes Marnie ("'m/l" because they're married, which made it legal rape) because he's pretty much a sexual predator, but with some boundaries.
It's like Hitchcock took James Bond out of the spy game and made him a businessman but still ruthless with women.

And Halle Berry will never, ever, look this good again. Luminous.

Earth Shoes Are Easy

I got Confessions of a Shopaholic in a box of books at an auction, and I read it.
Then I gave it to someone who liked that sort of thing, and her house burned down.

Yeah, but she could actually sing. That would appear to be the major difference.

Yet still better than her voice.

No, she really can't. Falsetto is just as obnoxious with women as it is with men, and less excusable.
If you want to hear what this is supposed to sound like, try this:

Marnie is one of your favorite movies?
For all its faults, it has something that grabs you, doesn't it?
Plus, very early Bruce Dern.
Hitchcock liked Bruce Dern.

No. No wonder at all.
She's what bass fishermen call a "keeper."

I wasn't trying to compare or criticize—this was on NPR this morning, the statement that the Obama admin has been much more effective in pushing through legislation than anyone seems to want to acknowledge, and so far the most effective in doing so since the Johnson admin.

Conservatives aren't heartless—they just haven't run out of money themselves yet.

I got David Foster Wallace and I, too, am not happy. I would like to trade with the poster above who got P.G. Wodehouse, please.
Then I would be very, very happy.


Seasons in the Sun
This is my nominee for worst pop song ever. Everything about it was wrong, and the first time I heard it, I knew it would be a hit (with that generation's Twilight-type fans) and it would be on the radio for weeks, maybe even months.
Still, it did wean me from top 40 stations, so it's an ill wind,

It's also a small community in East Texas, north of Houston.
Texans love possums, obviously.