the rationalist

Wojo, Viet Nam, Agent Orange, and the beauty pageant contestant who was mugged. Anyone else remember that?

How about Donald Westlake's Parker and Dortmunder series?
I'm rereading Drowned Hopes, and John C. Reilly would make a good Dortmunder, if someone could find a director who knew how to turn a Westlake novel into a movie.

Just give us the mailing address and we'll make sure you never run out of obscure paperbacks to review.
I wonder where I put my copy of The Mind Parasites?

Cultural Dictionary
shibboleth [( shib -uh-luhth, shib -uh-leth)]

Go to hulu and watch the free episodes. If they're still there.
It's a top-notch show.

Lugar wasn't all that bad; he even got a bit sympathetic after he got married.
It was the guy from Internal Affairs—Scanlon? Something like that. He was the one everybody hated.

Dietrich for me, too. His stand-up was good, too.

I'm waiting for Paula May Smith, whose super powers include extreme bitchiness, sarcasm, and crying for no apparent reason.

wtf is tv lol

I used to know a man who'd been in the theatre dept (set design and such) when Williams was still a student, and he said Williams was the finest Hamlet he'd ever seen. For real.

Me, too, but I was afraid to open myself to ridicule by saying it out loud.
Or typing it, here.

As trolls go, this one will get old faster than most.

My brother tapes it. And he thinks Palin is great.

He was the host on a reality show a few years back—it was called The Family, I think.
A group of Italians from Brooklyn, taken to a mansion and pitted against each other for a million dollar prize.
The Family was in the same lettering as The Godfather. It was pretty damned funny most of the time, especially to one who

I saw Zorro the Gay Blade—in the theatre.
It had its moments, just not enough of them.

There's no S&tC girls—they're geriatrics at this point.

Sarah Palin is both fact and joke.

I found The Screwtape Letters unreadable. I can't even begin to imagine a movie based on it.

But "the hammer is my penis" is an allusion to a very special work of art that most of us know about, starz.
Anyway, sometimes you're funny—and you seem to have your own troll already. I'm envious.

I live in East Texas, the gold buckle of the Bible Belt.
At the end of one semester, one of the questions on the final exam (state u) was, "Garrison Keillor's The Prodigal Son is based on the Biblical parable of ________."
This was one of the "free points" questions—this was also an open-book exam, with the kids allowed