Deus Ex Macaroni

Is it a work-for-hire position? If the party of the first part-the suicider-doesn't go through with it, does the note revert to the party of the second part-the writer? If it does, can he then recycle the note to another client? If so, is the party of the first part entitled to a share of the revenue generated? Who

Beware, evildoers, wherever you are!!!
That's still my favorite Woody Allen movie.

Maybe he and Allison can now do the long awaited sequel to Rip It Off.
Oh wait, he died in that too.

Ini-vay, Idi-vay, Inci-vay

Does anyone else
find it hypocritical that the first real video superstar doesn't (or didn't) let her kid watch tv?

Vuja-de: the feeling that none of this has ever happened before.
I may have that wrong; Mme. Scheisskopf gave me a "D" in French 101.

That's the problem, Ricky- there can be only one center of attention in the room: Madonna. But since she's looking more and more like a science project and Lourdes is starting to look like she used to…wait til Lourdes starts dating. Then we'll see some fireworks.

The production values
look pretty cheap, but I'm sure the quality of the acting offsets them.

At least it's not in a jar on it's way to used to be the planet Pluto.

Intellectual honesty from Fox is a lot to ask. I would appreciate it if they used "Big Bottom" for the theme song.

Tommy-the movie-was, um, interesting, anyway. Where else can you see Jack Nicholson and Oliver Reed singing? Or Ann Margaret rolling around in baked beans? The music is classic, of course. It's actually one of Ken Russell's LEAST out-there movies.

Danica McKellar, the exception that proves the rule?

Seriously. And how exactly does a street car go out of control anyway? they barely break walking speed.

Romaine tends toward Libertarianism.

Hey, why is a Tennessee guy marketing a tequila anyway? I'm pretty sure the state liquor board can now leagally waterboard him with Jack Daniels. The green label shit.

Hey, as a New Orleanian I take umbrage at that. The Marsalises (Marsalisi?) do a kick ass jam of Linus & Lucy.

I thought you were talking about Run DMC's Tougher Than Leather for a second. How awesome would that be?
Choosing between Johnny or Willie is like choosing between peanut butter or jelly; it's a sure loser no matter which way you go.

I had a roomate who would cook at least two pots of menudo a week in a crock pot. The smell of smouldering ass never went away. He also smoked weed constantly-which made him hyper-and put a passed-out local news reporter in my bed one night while I was working 24 hours straight stevedoring. If I hadn't been so tired,

Wrong, wrong, wrong…the lowest form of "entertainment" is Bill O'Reilly reading his own crappy novel as an audiobook. Dear God the horror…