Alvin Tostig

When he gets in his Pontiac he's a Kenny G6.

Look, he paints now and he danced on Ellen. What more do you want? Give the guy a break.

Well, that's good, go ahead and blow the $300 on this then.

The acting, directing, and most jarringly of all, editing, were dogshit in the first season. I'll probably watch the first episode to see if it's any more competently made in the second season, but man, I did not understand the love this show got in Season 1. It was nice to see a show in the big city that wasn't all

When sandwiched in between episodes of him 1) fucking a model and 2) trying to fuck a much younger woman who doesn't even speak English.

This whole thing is nothing but a load of rich creamery butter.

I have a sneaking suspicion a significant number of people who laughed at the idiots stuck on Feral Dog Island will not see the irony in purchasing this.

Yaaaaaas queen! Charging idiots $300 is fierce as fuck.

I knew it was a mistake but I did it anyway

Is there a better encapsulation of what a pathetic bunch of bunch of wimps the WH press corp is then them impotently whining, "Sean, Sean" like a bunch of, dare i say, cucks?


I can't believe you guys are wasting time on this when Hillary Clinton said a thing today, which is the only thing we can focus on. Her saying a thing is basically as bad as 103 days of Trump's presidency.

This sounds like a great project, and I love Nanjiani. I'll definitely be checking it…

I did say "most."

My theory is that a combination of network interference and no real creative strategy beyond the first few episodes led to a wildly uneven series that's almost completely unwatchable through most of its back half.

And yet, he often manages to.

Google Play music is great for money grab bullshit like this.

Yeah, the note just said, "Kato Kaelin did it."

I'll give him credit - "I was duty-bound to create content they wanted" is something that literally every cable and online news organization would admit to if they were actually being honest.

So, seriously, how do you combat the fact that millions of idiots get their news on Shrill Killary and Manly Hero Trump from grocery store tabloids?