
Holding people responsible for their actions when they do make false accusations is not the same thing as undermining the credibility of all real victims. It's true that the responsibility to which children must be held is different from that of adults and should carry different consequences, and it's true that the

Having grown up in the midwest, I can say that there was only one exaggerated, buffoonish character in this movie—the mother. As regards every other character, this movie may as well have been a documentary. My wife and I agree that we have heard a lot of this dialogue from the mouths of our relatives.

Umm. Two female characters betray their relationships and that is somehow bad storytelling? I can't see it. Do you always object to coincidences in storytelling?

"The joke seems to be that it’s somehow ridiculous and hypocritical for
women who call themselves feminists to think hot guys are hot—showing
that, while some of the sketches collected in this Inventory are
amazingly pointless, some of the sketches that do have points might have been better if they hadn’t."

Wow. "the love jail." "some magical thinking destined love/soulmates/Twilight stuff." As a monogamous person, let me thank you for that deep, unbigoted respect you have toward my orientation or lifestyle choice or whatever we're calling it.

Wow. "the love jail." "some magical thinking destined love/soulmates/Twilight stuff." As a monogamous person, let me thank you for that deep, unbigoted respect you have toward my orientation or lifestyle choice or whatever we're calling it.

People have strong commitments to many choices, such that those choices become lifestyles so intertwined with their identities that they cannot imagine life without them. Here is a brief list: religion, politics, career. But that doesn't change the fact that those are all choices. The word "choice" does not devalue

People have strong commitments to many choices, such that those choices become lifestyles so intertwined with their identities that they cannot imagine life without them. Here is a brief list: religion, politics, career. But that doesn't change the fact that those are all choices. The word "choice" does not devalue

It's safe to assume that any action is a fetish somewhere, to someone. Keep that in your back pocket for those long lines at the grocery store or people-watching at the mall.

It's safe to assume that any action is a fetish somewhere, to someone. Keep that in your back pocket for those long lines at the grocery store or people-watching at the mall.

The biggest change to my lifestyle now that I make more money is I went from saving $750 per month to saving $1,000 per month. And I drink better whiskey.

This is merely a test.
Carry on.