

What. The Hell. Is Going On.

……Isn't Buddha a fat bastard.

The logic in that statement is in danger of disappearing up its own asshole.

Those goddamn Soviets. It's like no one ever points out daily that this modern Middle East chaos is there doing. Why not? They just go around the world breaking other country's toys.

(peppy glee voice): "It's Miley!"


My inner monologue for the 18 hours after a new episode has random various intonations of saying the name "David.."

I kept trying to will the show to close that damn abyss closet door FAST.

Mutant sploosh.

It explains the inflatable doll from the first episode nightmare sequence! Now if I could only brace myself whenever the devil with yellow eyes comes on.

Who taxes the taxmen!?

The place only had RC Cola.

- Trump 2018 Impeachment Defense Strategy.

What are you wearing a coat of Mithril!?

"Do I preach hate to you while you're lying stoned on the Quad?? Noooooooo."

It's funny South Park's come up because he's like if Mr. Garrison was an actual person in our world.

Metaphor achieved! Suck it, Faulkner!

Now when is that god damn Bigfoot expose happening??

That's a little unfair. Maher is hamfisted and condescending but he patently seems to want the best for the citizenry and idea of America, whereas Yiannopoulos fancies himself a Brooks Brothers Joker and thinks it's fun and playful to torture non-white males with vitriol.