Diego Armando

This has been Probst's best season since HvV.

This may just be me, but I never remember Jeff saying that. I must be a bad fan, though not as bad as Dan.

Agreed, I would trade any of the prejury boot women for her.

Sierra will probably win if Mike wins the next immunity challenge (Carolyn will go home) but loses the final one. Who would vote for Will or Rodney?

Probably the latter.

I do agree with you, but it was still fun to watch him lose. This isn't Tyson voting himself out level stupid though.

I am reminded of Russell yelling at Sandra for not telling him she had an idol. Parvati's response to him was "You didn't tell anyone you found one." Russell: "Yes and that was a bad move"

Unfortunetly, I think he will be the final juror and thus miss out on the parade.

I plan to watch it through my library system this summer.

If you can watch one season you missed, Cook Islands should be it. It is amazing. It is also on Hulu Plus.

I yelled yes at the tv screen. That was amazing.

She said, "It's a W" after Jeff shrugged at Rodney.

Don't you mean crap?

Careful, Teti might give you a lecture on how that is not a big deal and we should just get over it and let the Patriots win by bending the rules.

That iguana looked awesome in HD.

My guess for the finale: Mike wins the next two challenges, sending Carolyn and Rodney home in that order. He then wins with either 7 or 8 votes (Jenn or Shirin might vote Sierra to prevent will from getting second place).

That was a lot of fun. The fun thing was that Dan did not need to use his second vote, but using it pretty much guaranteed Carolyn playing her idol.

Ty Cobb was a piece of shit and I say that as a Tigers fan.

Being tall can be a hindrance. It also makes you the designated, grab something from the top shelf guy.

I am not a fan either. I think they wanted Shirin and Joe back really quickly, which I do not think is great for either of them, especially Shirin. I suspect she is going to have a massive ego going into that round, given all the "You rock and did not deserve to go out before Will" she was been getting.