Diego Armando

I think Sierra is the Jefra of the season. Edited in a way that makes her look clueless or ineffectual, but actually putting a lot of thoughts into her actions. I refer to this as the editing screw.

You made no major errors in grammar, at least none that I noticed. Well stated.

Wow. Somehow I have more faith in Shirin than you do. I did not see that coming at all.

I do hope that the bitterness you said Will and Carolyn seemed to have towards Shirin is indicative of her taking them out.

Don't you know that anyone who likes America is Ultraconservative?

I heard from Jenna M. on the All Stars Commentary that Rob C. used to do that all the time in Amazon. He would go up to people, tell them someone said something about them and leave.

Oh sweet, I made the 20's.

I really hope they are building a Mike and Shirin destroy everyone arc. I should probably not have as much hope as I do.

I want to say that we have had our differences over our feelings towards Shirin (fanatical love vs. indifference), but I will let you know that I am rooting for her if Mike fails to win (which I still think will happen). Also, that Ode to Will piece you wrote was probably one of the best things you have ever posted.

Dammit, I would vote Rodney on the grounds that he probably played the best game of the 3.

Good list.

I stuck through Samoa and did not quit watching Thailand. I think I can sit through this.

The Wings are somehow beating the Lightning. I do not know how that is possible, but I will take it.

I suspect there might be some editing involved.

That is fine. You and I did not know the extend of his awfulness. That did sound like a great time though. Max does seem like he would be interesting to talk to.

I hope that is true. Everyone deserves a second chance.

That is a good episode, but Marge vs. the Monorail holds a special place in my heart. I remember first watching it as a tween in a hotel in Toronto. It was the first episode of the Simpsons I ever remember loving. I have watched it many times since then and each time it has been fantastic. Almost every line in

If you would like some good Survivor seasons to watch, I would recommend Cook Islands, Tocantins, Philippines, Palau, Amazon and Australia.

Honestly, I think at this point she could beat anyone except Mike and maybe Tyler.

So Redemption Island?