
I much prefer 'We never walk away' as Rule #1 for the Doctor, as opposed to 'The Doctor Lies' (I gnash my teeth every time I think of that).
So I was a little unclear.. just why did the priest vanish himself? I actually thought it was a transmat, but I suppose total destruction is an equally appropriate explanation, as

True, I often find myself wondering 'Just a second.. Do the producers want me to feel sorry for these people? Is Jacob suffocating his sociopathic gay lover some sort of touching moment..?'.
I want them to be killed slowly, a bullet from Kevin Bacon seems way too merciful.

So.. is Kovarian dead?
(insert confused emoticon here)

She so fine.

But.. time got rewritten (again), right..? So that Churchill wasn't Holy Roman Emperor and the like.. and Amy said that hasn't really happened or suchlike. So .. um.. Kovarian is still around, I'm guessing? And.. the Silence is still doing.. stuff? I'm sorry, maybe I did miss stuff, but ..I feel confused!

Weird thing about the Doctor and Martha.. He was always droning on and on and on about Rose to her. But even before he is 'formally introduced' to her he turns up and smooches her on the street (obviously the only way to transfer DNA). And then in '42', when the crewer makes moves on her, he decides that it's the best

What's especially amusing is that the Doctor encourages her to leave her job at UNIT, where she is a medic but also clearly well placed in the heirarchy since the General entrusts her with the doomsday device (and he had time enough to do it, the other two squaddies just seemed to have been shoved into the slot).. and

But we can be happy that we at least have the monthly specials this year. Tonight - Spearhead From Space!
I will remain realistic enough not to expect appearances from Classic Docs in the 50th… HOWEVER… every time we have seen past Docs it has basically been the same set of clips over and over, and I would like to see

I probably have to see Silence In The Library again.. here, the impression I got was that if the bodies had died, the consciousness really wouldn't go anywhere and would just die (one would hope that hundreds of consciousness' did not end up in interred bodies.. :o ). In Silence, wasn't the entire body also

Barry Letts does wryly acknowledge the slow speed of the bikes in his discussion on the Day Of The Daleks DVD. Bit of a challenge for the Ogron players to pretend to run slowly enough so as not to catch up with the Doc in a couple of steps..

A little reminiscent of BOSS' employees, no?

Good UNIT! Lethbridge Stewart! Rory senior!
On the other hand.. resolution by waving magic wand! Leaving behind everyone who wasn't Rory senior on the sploding spaceship! People with no lasting effect from being dead for 15 minutes!
Oh, who am I kidding.. all is forgiven for the return of UNIT. That's just how I am.

Why, exactly, does he like hearing it, anyway? IT'S NOT HIS REAL NAME!!
Unless that's the big reveal of the 50th anniversary..

Didn't he drive one of those in Day of the Daleks, anyway..?

While I try to forget every time they gank a demon that they are also killing a hapless victim, the possession and sudden death of perky, cheerful PhD lady kinda brought it home again. I was sad. :(

Two consecutive episodes with the Dean dressed.. normally?
Is Jim Rash exerting some sort of power?
I actually like it.. his costumes had started to get jusssssst a bit much, and were a littttttle too frequent..

Kiera.. definitely attractive. And the fight scenes really don't pull any punches, with her literally getting punched in the mouth a few times (fight scenes with women are often a little more kung fuey, as far I have noticed).

As long as they ALSO review the episodes with the return of the al-Ghuls and the two-parter with the Future Justice League. And didn't Mr Freeze also turn up? I do not, of course, have ant idea which seasons all these happened in..

Quite true, and something I try not to think about (neither do they, it seems)..

If the Nazi necromancers become regular foes then we'll see Sam and Dean killing a lot more humans.. even if they are Nazi necromancers. Not fully appreciative of that.