
Oh, for heavens sake.. Androzani gets reviewed and I am late to the party.
Well, there's not much to add here.. dark stuff, Doctor sort of stumbles around, great performances, magnificent cliffhanger, awesome direction - it's all for teh win!! Though yes, had every story been 'everyone dies!!' it would get wearying.

And I recall reading/hearing that it happened because of the actor misunderstanding Graeme Harpers instructions.. and then, as it often happens, they just ran out of time to film! An awful lot of behind the scenes Who stories reflect on how they were always running out of filming time..

Seconded. Thirded. Whatever.

I agree, not intended..but then again, those are the only reps of Pakistan that we see. Perhaps if there had been more episodes, we might have seen some others.. Kylie might have met some, for instance, or we might have met Admiral Aziz again. The inspection team, though - one was a European, the other two were

I have never read the comments section for this show, so sorry if this is an old issue.. I am really waiting for Ron Swanson to face the fact that he is dating a Public School Employee. I mean, aren't they unionized? Shouldn't he have some sort of issues with that fact? Did i miss an episode where it was addressed? Or

Well, here's my last chance to complain about my major beef with this show - and it's probably only MY beef, cos it's personal.. which is that the only time the victims of this damn conspiracy, i.e. Pakistanis, appear on the show, they are woman hostage killing scum (one might say that the Admiral is a sorta

Yeahhhh… I remember the ad, and thinking it looked fun.. and then forgetting what the movie was called as it seemed to disappear from any news - I had been wondering about it just the other day, as I tried to recall the title!

Ah, well, these days I'm just taking any opportunity to slam Big Bang for its depiction of geeks, since it is pretty much the same depiction you get in any sitcom..

Saw Role Models recently (OK, OK, I know I am late to it). And now saw this ep of Supernatural. Given that the participants are pretty much sown as fun, normal people who know that it's just a game (except the villain, natch), LARPers seem to be getting some respect from mainstream media. What's up with that??

Dangit, I don't have a reply button for Eddie…
I don't know why, but there was something in the Chuck storyline that seemed to imply that he was more than just a Prophet, and that was why it left me feeling he jussssst might be.. 
What it was that made me feel that way.. damned if i can remember! And I'm not going to go

They certainly seemed to imply Chuck was God when he faded out at the end of, what, S5? I was surprised not to see him reappear at SOME point when the Angels were all out looking for him.. I do hope he comes back, and that he remains lovable. I'm ok with some angels being dicks, less so if God is one (Preacher, I is

It is really just unclear why Serrat is still ALIVE. I mean, do Chaplin, the COB, the XO.. does anyone have a reason NOT to plug him by now? 
And I will be disappointed if by the time the show ends the only time we saw Pakistanis on it was as murderous cannon fodder, only effective at shooting women.. (I know I've said

Props to that PA..!

While success would diffuse the threat, surely the torpedo needed to be defused..? That's just me laying out my petard to get hoisted..

Well, but of course..

Well, shoot, I should have been paying attention to the schedule..would have rewatched Ambassadors.. OF DEATH!.. so that I could have germane and pithy observations. The show does have a lot of grim death about (for some reason I was slightly startled at the casual disposal of the henchmen in the gravel pit). And it

Yes, this story arc was pretty tedious… had you watched the preceding 2 eps, you might have been a tad annoyed at the inconsistency in characterization, especially with the Colonel. 
And the Aussie accent is because all clones speak with Jango Fetts accent. 
The very end of the episode was incredibly inane, even for a

I read TEGW.. Doesn't explain how shitty Stormtroopers are, not just in the movies but in the comics and books as well (except when they become secondary, and even primary leads, in some of Tim Zahn's more recent novels, when their armour can actually deflect blaster bolts.. something that might have been useful for

Electric Dragon.. it is often hard to argue that! Based on his blog, anyway, haven't read any of his books..