
I too often feel the need to bring up "House of Leaves" in a discussion. No matter how tangential or tenuous the connection.

Frankenstein's mostly mediocre, but worth the read for those parts of the story that aren't part of the public consciousness. Modern sensibilities means that you're more likely to sympathize with the monster than with Dr Frankenstein.

If you've got it handy, fast forward to "The Naked Now" near the end when they're all expecting to die, and Riker is in that room with Wesley. I love that scene; Riker comes off as dissapointed more than anything else, and kinda disgusted that his last moments will be in the presence of Wesley.

Rant on "Outlier":

Sounds interesting. Any comments on which of his books to check out first?

Cheers people.

Where to start?
This is as good a place as any to ask for comic reading advice.