i don't get it, either- why do people care so much about this place and places like it? if you want to east something different, go to a different restaurant or just make your own damn weird food.
i don't get it, either- why do people care so much about this place and places like it? if you want to east something different, go to a different restaurant or just make your own damn weird food.
@mattsg- the tiger book is great. haven't checked the tea party book, but last night a customer of mine, who is of a similarly liberal mindset, told me it was fascinating and that there are now four or five tea party candidates that he wouldn't mind seeing in office. of course, one of the big takeaways is that the…
despite their many flaws (poor writing/translation, lurid detail of abuse heaped on women as "feminism"), i enjoyed the first two books quite a bit, mainly because lisbeth is an interesting character. the third book is terrible and everything is so obvious and telegraphed that i was mentally giving the "hurry up" sign…
ten. the third book is very clearly not intended to be the end of the series.
old ice cube wouldn't be cool with this
new ice cube is fully supposrtive
i bet your dad could help you with that.
a wondrous place for you and me, zack.
aka ghost-writin' the whip. thanks for answering that.
a new, fantastic point of view
have you ever been to englishrussia dot com? if you want weird/back-water russia (or pictures of crazy expensive wrecked cars and crumbling soviet infrastructure), that's the spot
read a little of the ARC and passed it along to a colleague who also ignored it. i like the idea (although hasn't there been another novel/movie about ghostwriting suicides somewhat recently?), but, like the review indicates, it looked all over the place.
didn't see an ARC of this come through, but i'm intrigued. looks like in might even have a little dark tower flavor.
i'm a chaotic neutral dark paladin, myself.
i'm a huge fan of bad movies (i was trading mst tapes pre-internet because i didn't have cable), but i've gotta say that the gpk movie is one of the most cynical, mean-spirited, least-enjoyable movies i've ever seen. this might actually be worse than dumpster baby.
a little late, but i don't think of asuka as an anti-hero, either.
…to your leader.
jesus, man, everyone knows lion-o was gay. get with the program!
can't talk now, bro. i'm three-ballin.'
fill the umpire
i guess he wouldn't friend them on facebook