
"OH COME ON. Even if his parts don't work that way, I'm sure he can enjoy his partner's pleasure."
I think we can rely on centuries of failed relationships between one closeted gay person and one straight person to say that if you don't get anything out of sex with that person, the other person's pleasure can only take

"A Simple Investigation" must have been written while Odo was a solid and then aired out of order, right?  Because, as I said in the episode where Odo was deciding whether to tell Kira about his feelings for her, it doesn't really make sense for non-solid Odo to be interested in sex.  Yes, he obviously wants the kinds

@avclub-759ba0c9f2099627f2b76dda79b8bd54:disqus I would agree that @avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus 's point about the "dreamboat" picture of Ben goes against mere succession to the throne; the implication of showing a more attractive man is that Ben is her Prince Charming.  From that, I agree with

Just being devil's advocate here, but didn't Serling say something like "eventually Jenny will be a queen"?  If so, that doesn't mean necessarily that Ben has taken her to his home planet in order to marry her, just that eventually they will get married.  Like if you have a story about two six-year-old kids who fight

I didn't know anything about her personal life so I looked it up on Wikipedia.  They've had 3 kids in 8 years with one on the way.  I don't see what the big deal is.  Having 2 kids is average in the US, but that's counting childless people so 3 is still very typical for people who do decide to have kids.  So they're

@avclub-79557cb93066f4470b8cee6e9110f757:disqus Even with Tolkien, I get confused with the mix of modern and Iron Age.  The Shire seems like 18th century Ireland if they were  independent of the British (so maybe 18th century Yorkshire?).  They smoke tobacco and eat potatoes.  They have a postal service. Everywhere

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus I've argued for a while that Jack from Titanic is a Manic Pixie Dream Boy.

I thought they came back that particular weekend because it was his retirement, and they were just singing the breakfast song from their childhood.  I definitely thought it was implied that Millicent didn't live with him, back when she was dating Chris.
Still a weirdly lobotomized family.

I thought of that.  Maybe it's a case of the Federation's moneyless system?  "The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. …We work to better ourselves …and the rest of humanity."
Some people choose to explore the stars, and some people choose to have sex with strangers.

"If Dax really understood Worf and cared about him, why the hell would she take him to the one planet in the universe least suited to his personality? "
That's a pretty good point I hadn't thought of.  Isn't there some other tropical destination with a gym where they can do their Klingon combat exercises and get drunk?

Surprised there's no commentary on the portrayal of the halcyon days of the '90s military, with Skinner's colonel saying, "It's good to have another combat veteran around here.  I myself received a number of medals for, um, securing that Montgomery Ward in Kuwait City."(and the not-so-halcyon days when gay people

Wouldn't the smart thing for the parents to do be always bet against your kid?  
Step 1: Agree with other parent to take a dive
Step 2: Bet against kid.
Step 3: Profit!
"For $5,000, will your husband get baby Derrick to spin at least seven times in 30 seconds?"
"No.  Easiest $5K I ever made."
Sure, in theory this might

If you're replying to me, I didn't mean to imply that East Asians can always tell one ethnic group from another.  I would think (and your post confirms my gut) that's it's equivalent to saying, "So and so looks Irish [or Italian or Scandinavian or what have you.]"  I

I didn't meant to imply that *you* were saying those things. I just meant there's a decent room for error.   Most European peoples can play each other.  In the extremes, you don't want, say, Scarlett Johannson playing someone from Greece, but there are a few blonde,

@I Will Probably Forget This Qu,
"Apache versus Sioux are not races, they are tribes.  That would be more analogous to "Can a white actor from Baltimore play a white character from Iowa?"  The answer is, possibly yes, possibly no.The problem is, you're looking at this exclusively as an actor thing, as if *not* casting

Jake, "Did you see any Pah-Wraiths?… Odo was telling me about these weird supernatural beings that live in the fire caves."
Later, "Maybe the next time you go to the fire caves, you can bring me along.  I've always wanted to meet a Pah-Wraith."
What?  You just said Odo only told you about them today.  And they're not

" 'War. What is it good for. If you ask me, absolutely nothing.' -Quark, getting his Tom Jones on."You mean, "Quark, getting his Edwin Starr on."
The poor guy only had one hit.  Also, he doesn't sound anything like Tom Jones.

Yeah, I can't believe they don't even have an explanation of Worf going in without a disguise.
Also, I know the real reason for this, but come on, when you send spies in to infiltrate your enemy, you send a spy who knows the enemy's country backwards and forwards, not some random captain of a naval base, his chief

Anyone else remember Randy from My Name is Earl listening to Time After Time on repeat after a break up?