
I think Brunt is clearly the one who's betraying Ferengi values.  He even says, "This isn't business.  It's personal."  Punitive damages for breach of contract would never occur to the most vicious capitalists in our society (who are for the most part clearly the basis for the Ferengi).
Also, what happened to Quark's

You'd think the Ferengi would have a concept of efficient breach (pay damages and move on) rather than, "You lose all your assets if you don't fulfill your contract."  That's just bad for business.  Sometimes not fulfilling your contracts but paying damages is better for everyone.
Also, you'd think they'd figure out

I haven't seen this episode in a while, do they explain why they would put the baby into a different species rather than into another human woman?  (Sorry to comment before I watch it; I'll watch it tonight but when I saw there was a review for this episode, I couldn't not ask that question).
Also, I'm surprised with

Nah, it's a Great-Lakes-state thing to say: Indiana, Illinois, upstate NY, Western PA, Ohio, Michigan, they all say pop. It's not a class thing.
Oh wow, it's more widespread than I realized. It's also in the Great Plains, the Rockies, and the Pacific Northwest: http://www.google.com/imgre…
(I have a lot more

"By the way, that’s not to say there wasn’t still product placement in the episode, but it came courtesy of the family having dinner at Red Lobster, which seems like a perfectly reasonable mainstream restaurant for the Hecks to pick."
Even with Red Lobster, it seemed like anti-product placement.  The message seemed to

It just seems that sexual desire/ desire for a one-on-one romantic relationship doesn't seem like something you should be able to learn through socialization without a biological drive.  Like trying to teach a cat to heel and fetch-if the biology isn't there, it's just not there.
That Odo would want emotional intimacy,

I know that Star Trek is fairly soft scifi, but was anyone else questioning why Odo would be interested in a romantic/sexual relationship or be able to feel jealousy?  It doesn't seem that the changelings have one-on-one romantic or sexual relationships, they have the Great Link.  If they reproduce sexually at all,

@avclub-33235e3d066bad95b6eea457826f7507:disqus Maybe they had so much Shakespeare because the captain was Patrick Stewart.  They other officers did Shakespeare to suck up to him.  On their own time, Riker did a lot of holo-Bay-Watch, and Geordi probably was a Trekkie.

I'm a little late to the party, but I thought I'd say that I wonder why they've barely mentioned any wedding planning if we're already at the bachelor[ette] party stage.  Leslie's so OCD that you'd think she'd have a touch of bridezilla. (Well, not bridezilla so much as Leslie over-planning every event in her life so

I'm a little late to the party, but I thought I'd say that I wonder why they've barely mentioned any wedding planning if we're already at the bachelor[ette] party stage.  Leslie's so OCD that you'd think she'd have a touch of bridezilla. (Well, not bridezilla so much as Leslie over-planning every event in her life so

I thought it was IHeartTriangle and didn't get it at all.

Will nobody mention the retcon from "The Host" on TNG when Beverly date a Trill, who is transferred to Riker as a new host, who then wants to continue his relationship with Beverly as Riker, without any mention of a taboo on continuing relationships in new hosts, and then again wants to continue the relationship in a

Vicks, haven't you ever made too much food for an event and then not wanted your own leftovers?  1000 cookies is a load of cookies!
And I'll have to re-watch it, but I don't think we know for sure that she paid for the ingredients herself or that she wasn't compensated.  It was a concession stand, so it makes plenty of

Vicks, haven't you ever made too much food for an event and then not wanted your own leftovers?  1000 cookies is a load of cookies!
And I'll have to re-watch it, but I don't think we know for sure that she paid for the ingredients herself or that she wasn't compensated.  It was a concession stand, so it makes plenty of

Vicks, if it makes you feel better, the reverend paid for the ingredients and Sue just donated her time.  He had originally planned to reimburse her from the sales at the concession stand but when he found out she made 1000 cookies and the sale didn't make any money he paid out of pocket.
And if you still want to feel

Vicks, if it makes you feel better, the reverend paid for the ingredients and Sue just donated her time.  He had originally planned to reimburse her from the sales at the concession stand but when he found out she made 1000 cookies and the sale didn't make any money he paid out of pocket.
And if you still want to feel

I was afraid Axl would have played badly until he saw Cassidy.  Glad they went for something more in character with the show, with Sue's speech.  (Still, kissing in the snow was pretty out of character)

I was afraid Axl would have played badly until he saw Cassidy.  Glad they went for something more in character with the show, with Sue's speech.  (Still, kissing in the snow was pretty out of character)

I just assumed that offscreen David Wallace is doing a talking head saying, "Of course I didn't give him the $1 million!  Do you think I'm crazy?  I'm not some character in an increasingly badly written, formerly great sitcom.  I just said that to get him out of the building."
And then when Robert leaves the office he