
@PaulKinsey:disqus , absolutely right.  Don't know.  Her name I guess wasn't important to me, but the justifications they gave for her first giving up her job and then staying on as CEO so as to serve as a plot device when Robert needed something akin to fear stuck out to me because of how contrived they were.

My bigger issue isn't that the plots have gotten more implausible, it's that there used to be normal people for the Michaels and Dwights and Creeds to bounce off of.  It was good to have Jan and David Wallace there.  Now every character they introduce is zanier than the last: DeAngelo, Robert, Nellie.  Michael Scott

Not quite accurate.  On the first episode of this season, they said he "talked her out of her job," but later they clarified that he only talked her out of being CEO, but she's still chairman of the board. For example, when they brought Nellie in, Robert said to be nice to her because he has to keep Joan satisified. 

Let's not forget DeAngelo, who died on the way back to his home planet.

Doesn't Joan "Chairman of the Board" Bennett care about Robert's antics?

When Zombie Shakespeare says, "Is this the end of Zombie Shakespeare?" is that a reference to some Shakespeare play I can't think of off the top of my head?  As in, is there some Shakespeare character who dies saying, "Is this the end of [Hamlet, Mercutio, Caesar]?"

Maybe her showing vs. the timeline of the show doesn't work because red world is all a dream.
Probably expecting too much

@avclub-126ad03316db7675164e3f0c8be270e9:disqus For one thing, no one is "letting her" keep the baby.  That's entirely up to her.  It's been a couple months, she hasn't had an abortion yet, so there are three possibilities: she's not sure what she's going to do, she was going to keep the baby, or she was going to give

Doesn't Rex drive?  I thought he was 16 or 17.
I thought Michael reacted pretty appropriately.  He tried to keep his cool when he heard that she was pregnant, asked how far along she was, and then found out about this miscarriage, which changes the calculus a lot, especially when Rex was already beating himself up

And I don't get this either.  Clearly the girlfriend had a miscarriage. Otherwise the whole theme of the episode about random chance doesn't make sense.  But on top of that, let's assume for a second she did have an abortion.  Assuming both worlds are real (which again, I think is the show's working assumption, and

"Unless Michael can suddenly dream people alive in one world over the other - why doesn't he dream Son alive in Wife World? - then how is it the baby lives? So women everywhere can just dream their miscarriages don't happen and they don't? And beggars don't need to wish for horses, they can just DREAM them? "
I don't