
Hey Todd VanDerWerff, I want to applaud your resolution and its motivations. As someone who has made their fair share of stuff, I wish that more critics took the initiative to learn the form they love from the inside out. (Dumb example, but it always bugs me when critics really obsess about which writer penned which

I think if you mention Terriers, you should mention the series finale of Angel. Do they die or don't they? (And I'm pretending the comics that came after don't exist, because the story of Angel Detectives is more interesting without them.) Ending on the group ready to go down swinging in the face of a dragon is the

This argument infuriates me. I know it comes from a good place — not wanting comics to overexpose themselves — but the conclusion it comes to ("No new comedy podcasts!") is ridiculous. That's like saying we don't need to make new movies because enough good ones already exist. There is always room for new, talented

Why was the cast interviewed in that oddly gender segregated way? It only added the delusionally old-fashioned vibe of the entire trailer.

Having read the script of Norman some years ago, I can tell you that the scatter shot tone and aimless narrative of the final product are entirely the director's doing. The original script was one of the best I've read (I believe it on the Hollywood "black list" along with Juno that year.) It's frustrating to see what