
I use data and voice together pretty frequently. Y'know, when I use my iPhone as a GPS, or when I'm checking for the email my friend says he sent me with the time and address of dinner, or when I'm Luke Wilson.

Oh No
All right

what the hell
Anyway, to make the story short, I made the film and I had a great time.

Laughing audibly
Bravo: Listeners were so wrapped up in the "controversy" over who exactly Alanis was supposed to be blowing in a movie theater in "You Oughta Know" that they never stopped to ask, "You know, who really gives a shit?"

Wonder Years
I have an idea for a show.

How did you guys assign something to the poor bastard in the first place that wasn't available?

Holy hell
This is… well this is awesome.

AV Club
The only reason I started watching this show was the pilot review on AV Club. I didn't think it was a show about dog fighting. But, for some reason, I had initially thought it was a Seth Green vehicle about a puppet dog. I can't explain that. But it was there. However, once I watched the show, I was

Hey, fickle superhero movie fans…
Proto-Goblin should not be confused with:

Most impressive to me…
…is that all these Under Cover sessions are done without the use of studio or in-ear monitors, recorded live, and likely, in one or two takes.

"In the Butt" and words like:
Brownmark Films
wider distribution.
bottomless well

Well shit.

C at best.
The only thing that keeps me coming back to this game is the Wager matches in Multiplayer. The game overall looks like a half-ass rip off of MW2, the graphics suck, the gameplay chokes at seemingly important turns, and lag lag lag lag. Treyarch basically devoured the Modern Warfare series, shit in a cup,

This is excellent.

Glaring error.
You missed the part where his name has the word "wood" in it. Fantastic window of opportunity for sophomoric humor!

What sold me on this game is the treatment given to weapons detail. The sounds are dead on and the physics of firing are a variable in your success. MW2 was insane and comes off like sci-fi compared to MoH. In terms of campaign length, Tier 1 arcade mode makes up for it. I've replayed several levels over

Tea Party
How are his comments 'so far to the right'? The right wing doesn't give a shit about to animal rights. Just because he said something racist doesn't mean OH I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.

Thanks Dad.
He has every record. I got into them when I was about 15 having heard a Baba O'Reily cover (I forget who did it)… Great G2G. Pretty much how I would have approached it.

"The Glo-Coat's still there, but perhaps women can see some grit beneath it."

You'll be surprised how much roaming drifter in a can tastes like Spam and pineapple.