
My favorite moment last night was how the slid the line from the season premiere in, when Don's at the bar with the drunk GI in Hawaii: "Hey lieutenant, you want to get into some trouble?" Only it's Don saying it this time, and the union we're working with isn't a marriage of love, it's one of necessity to keep two

"It's a post-racial movie about a racist world." Actually it's a baseball movie about the first black player in the major leagues, or at least that's what I got from the trailer. I doubt it was ever intended to be more than that.

Best food forward what?

"Ghoulish" not gruesome, RE: naming the baby Sybil.

Um, Raylan wasn't just tugging on the dude's hair. He grabbed his balls as well, as implied by the movement. Watch it again… 

City Slickers 3: The Search for Sandusky's Gold

City Slickers 3: The Search for Sandusky's Gold

Pretty sure they've set it up so that when Roosevelt comes back in the finale to kill Clay, we will all be slightly more empathetic toward his situation, since's he's the guy who will have unsympathetically ripped the hangnail off the seasons long conflict between Jax and his stepfather. But seriously. Where are they

Pretty sure they've set it up so that when Roosevelt comes back in the finale to kill Clay, we will all be slightly more empathetic toward his situation, since's he's the guy who will have unsympathetically ripped the hangnail off the seasons long conflict between Jax and his stepfather. But seriously. Where are they

Why do we keep comparing it to Community? This reminds me more of a mix between Frasier and Wings, sans laugh track. No joke.

Why do we keep comparing it to Community? This reminds me more of a mix between Frasier and Wings, sans laugh track. No joke.

Get the Gringo was a pretty fun movie. Loved how it embraced going off the rails at the end. 

Get the Gringo was a pretty fun movie. Loved how it embraced going off the rails at the end. 

Imagine no countries. Wait. what?

Imagine no countries. Wait. what?

I use white as a pejorative but only when discussing class or economic issues. Which apparently means I'm a racist.

I thought this was a prequel to Marley and Me.

Good band.  Thing is it took them 5 albums to finally find their sound?  I wouldn't admit that.

Nevermind = the most overrated album.  But I still liked Nirvana.

Streaming orange juice.