
Shit! You can interpret the will of God?

Strecke der Schule :D

Hahaha, nice comeback. You're telling me that there is no anger I've created with my so-called "stupidity", and all that resides in these comments is pity. If that's so, then I've done my job even better than I'd originally intended.

At least my Xbox doesn't break 4 times a year. PS3 4 LYYFFEEE!!!

where is @avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus  to critique this guy?

I like all the anger I've created. It makes me feel… alive… and dangerous.

Sorry Mr. English teacher… and if you are such a grammar Nazi, then you would know that payed is actually a word. And I am so sorry that you had to damn me under the wrath of god that I used a word in the wrong context. :'(

First, lol I'm just not even going to answer the English aspect of this 'brawl'. I'm too tired and… ya I'm just tired of fighting about apples on a forum about oranges.

Seems as though you never replied to my rebuttal… weird, someone who doesn't have an argument, who just argues to argue… shit's crazy.

Cool story bro, tell it again.

It was more the fact that IGN is notorious for bizarrely rated games, being abnormally low ratings. But even IGN couldn't NOT give it a good review, because the game itself is very good. That's what he meant, I think. If not, then ya, IGN isn't the best source for quotes

You are looking too much into this.

The American gaming industry is only as corrupt as America itself… oh wait.

Germany sounds like the right place lol.

All you keep complaining about is my use of English on a forum riddled with horrible English. You aren't even commenting about what my opinion was… I'm fairly confused what you're doing here, other than being pessimistic. Congrats!

Haha, Armond White was the original movie hipster.

First, I've beaten the campaign, nothing wrong with the controls. Better than UC2. Did you even play it? If you answer yes and say the controls were crap, then you must really like this reviewer and feel the need to defend his idiotic statements, or you never played it and are lying. Or your opinion is just really

"this reviewer is like that one kid in school who doesn't like
chocolate (only review I've seen bashing UC3)… after announcing that, he is then quickly beaten to death
by all the other kids ( all the comments on here saying how wrong his opinion is), who then go down to the store, buy some
chocolate, and talk about

He is wrong.

I could pull a bunch of hard facts out of my ass to prove this guy is an idiot, but I'll just state my opinion: this reviewer is like that one kid in school who doesn't like chocolate… after announcing that, he is then quickly beaten to death by all the other kids, who then go down to the store, buy some chocolate,