Scary Baptist

They'll never reunite! Jin will find Sun's body in the cave, then lay down beside her and die, thus becoming Adam and Eve.

WHERE do I find these podcasts?


" I mean, why the hell else are they going to devote screen time to him impaling his toe on a dart in the jungle if it doesn't play in down the line?"

I was SO stunned when Abbadon died — from gunshot wounds.

Anonasaurus: I think we'd be MORE surprsied if Locke STAYED dead — that's one character I'm quite sure won't get killed off, even if he DOES pick up a DUI.

You know — I THOUGHT those guys were awfully casual.

Yay Rose!!


I wonder if the smoke monster "reprogramed" Robert, or if Robert had been taken by the others and convinced to go on a killing spree?


ooooh Stations of the Cross — that's a good one.

Our favorite aunt played the guitar and sang us folk songs where a lot of folks died —- we still loved her!

I read: Also how about David Byrne's scare tonight?

The bed-wetting was the conclusion of the WTF moment for me.

I Watched The Show at 4:00 Today And
BOY is my brain tired.


It sounds like the Mormon Perfect Wife that haunts every Mormon woman is the same Perfect Homemaker Wife that haunted average housewives in the 50s?

SMACK: You're absolutly right about the two girls' relationship — SSA or not, Heather had every right to react that way to Sarah.

Jim: Yes, losing Kathy (the brave and sincere one who was happy for the first time in her life) was awful, but if she HADN'T had the accident I'm afraid Wanda would have done her in. And been really sad about it afterward.